Future-Me… Stepping up.

Future-Me, Step Up

Future-me was talking this morning. I was fighting with her like a toddler… I don’t want to get up, I don’t want to exercise, I just want a bowl of cereal… I don’t want to keep working on that research, I just want to sit here drinking coffee and writing all day!

But, she kept at it… this is your chance to get an early start and have extra time… to avoid stressing later… if you don’t exercise and eat something nutritious you’ll feel bad later… just spend one hour on the research and it will be one more step towards being done with the project… Relentless!

She was right. A few hours into it I am glad I didn’t listen to myself.

How about you? What is your future-self telling you that you’re arguing about?

Being good to yourself means recognizing what is good FOR YOU, not necessarily what feels good in the moment. We talk so much about mindfulness and being present but that doesn’t mean we don’t take care of our needs. Eating our peas and carrots before dessert is not about denial-of-self but care-of-self. If you’re an adult, no one will do it for you.

You deserve the best in life, but it isn’t necessarily going to happen to you, you must make it happen FOR YOU. You must step up today to have a win tomorrow! If you find yourself in a toddler battle, ask yourself some questions:

What do you want more?

What do you want to look back and see?

What will you feel good about tomorrow that you did today?

Do that. Step up!





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